Talking about
Vine al grup de tertúlia en Anglès!
El Talking About Group és el grup de tertúlia en anglès. Es reuneixen cada dimecres, a les 19 h, a la Seu Social del CMSC (pot canviar depenent de la conveniència de les persones participants).
The operation of the sessions is simple and dynamic. There are only two requirements: Respect others opinions and speak enough English to keep in the conversation without switching language. For the rest, there are no rules. If you like to talk about any subject, if you are pleased to defend your point of view, and you want to share your personal experiences, you should be a member of Talking About Group; it’s up to you to join us!
If you like to talk about any subject, if you are pleased to defend your point of view, and you want to share your personal experiences, you should be a member of Talking About Group; it's up to you to join us!
Since we began some years ago, we try to maintain the average of 8 people per session. Every day one of us is the responsible of summarizing the session and, during the week, we are connected in a Whatsapp group to share the daily issues.
Sign up from the reception of the club or online. If we have not yet convinced you, participate in a trial session for free.